Sophia Support Assistance
Sophia Support provides financial assistance to families in New England who have a child with cancer. From food assistance, to household expenses, and even gift/small wish fulfillment, this program makes it possible for families to focus on their child's care and wellbeing and helps relieve the added stress from increased financial burdens.
Requesting Sophia Support Financial Assistance
Sophia's Fund provides Sophia Support Financial Assistance to families who have a child with cancer. In order to help reach as many families as possible, Sophia Support is limited to one $500 grant per calendar year per family. All requests for Sophia Support must be submitted through this form via a social worker, pediatric resource specialist, child life specialist, patient advocate, or other related healthcare professional.
Patient Eligibility Requirements:
Must be 22 years of age or younger
Must have a diagnosis of cancer or brain tumor confirmed by an oncology healthcare professional
Must be receiving treatment at a New England Hospital or lives in New England
Must be receiving treatment (in-patient or out-patient) for their diagnosis
Financial Assistance Requirements:
Healthcare professional confirms that the family meets 350% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (see chart below)
Can be used for any financial need. Rent, utilities, medical bills, travel expenses, birthday/holiday presents - nothing is off limits!